
Showing posts from March, 2024

Crafting Captivating Paragraphs: Understanding, Structure, and Types

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, In this occasion, I will share a little material about paragraphs. Hopefully, it will be beneficial :) Understanding Paragraphs A paragraph, often referred to as an 'alinea,' is a part of a discourse consisting of a set of sentences that refer to one topic (Semi, 1990:55; Arifin, 1993:113; Djajasudarma, 1994:64; Finoza, 2004:149). Paragraph Structure A paragraph consists of a topic sentence and several supporting sentences. The topic sentence contains the main idea or main topic of the paragraph, while the supporting sentences explain or support the main idea of the paragraph. The sentences in the paragraph must be related to each other (Arifin, 1993:121; Finoza, 2004:151). Types of Paragraphs A. Types of Paragraphs According to the Position of the Topic Sentence 1. Deductive Paragraph A deductive paragraph presents the main issue at the beginning of the paragraph. 2. Inductive Paragraph An inductive paragraph presents the main issue...

Crafting Captivating Paragraphs: Understanding, Structure, and Types

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, In this occasion, I will share a little material about paragraphs. Hopefully, it will be beneficial :) Understanding Paragraphs A paragraph, often referred to as an 'alinea,' is a part of a discourse consisting of a set of sentences that refer to one topic (Semi, 1990:55; Arifin, 1993:113; Djajasudarma, 1994:64; Finoza, 2004:149). Paragraph Structure A paragraph consists of a topic sentence and several supporting sentences. The topic sentence contains the main idea or main topic of the paragraph, while the supporting sentences explain or support the main idea of the paragraph. The sentences in the paragraph must be related to each other (Arifin, 1993:121; Finoza, 2004:151). Types of Paragraphs A. Types of Paragraphs According to the Position of the Topic Sentence 1. Deductive Paragraph A deductive paragraph presents the main issue at the beginning of the paragraph. 2. Inductive Paragraph An inductive paragraph presents the main issue...

Crafting Abstracts: Understanding, Characteristics, and Types

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, This time, I will share a bit of the material from my notes about abstracts. An abstract is a brief presentation of a written work that can explain the content of the writing briefly to the reader. An abstract is a concise summary of a scientific writing. Definition of Abstract An abstract is a concise presentation form of a report or document written technically, carefully, without the author's criticism or interpretation. Characteristics of Abstracts 1. Brief Where the abstract only contains the research objectives, the working method from data collection to conclusions and results. 2. High Accuracy Using original document sources carefully, easy to understand, and using the same words or terms as the original document. 3. Writing Form The form of writing is:       a. Informative, qualitative, or quantitative       b. Descriptive, analytical, or deductive 4. Structure Title of the report Original auth...

How to Effective Learning Techniques

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Hi friends, this time I will provide 11 effective tricks for good learning. Hopefully, it will be beneficial :) Effective Learning Techniques Sometimes when we study, we feel bored and lazy. This often happens because of haphazard learning methods. Therefore, we must have good and effective learning methods. This text aims to provide tips for effective learning. Here are the steps for effective learning: 1. Make a study plan.  This study plan aims to make our learning organized. As a first step, divide your time in a day according to your needs, and allocate time for studying. Scheduled learning will make it easier to understand lessons. 2. Choose the right study time.  The division of study time is very important because our brains will more easily absorb lessons at certain times. Islam has taught us that good study times are after waking up in the morning and in the evening after afternoon nap. During these times, our brains and b...

Strategi, Tips, dan Trik Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Favorit 2024

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,  Bagi setiap siswa, impian untuk masuk ke perguruan tinggi favorit di Indonesia merupakan tujuan yang sangat diinginkan. Namun, meraihnya tidaklah mudah. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan agar dapat lolos di perguruan tinggi yang diinginkan. Salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menentukan jalur masuk PTN yang akan ditempuh. Secara umum, terdapat 3 jalur masuk PTN yang dapat dipilih, yaitu SNBP, SNPT, dan Jalur Mandiri  1. SNBP (Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Prestasi) SNBP merupakan jenis ujian masuk PTN tanpa biaya yang didasarkan pada prestasi. Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk lolos melalui jalur ini antara lain: - Akreditasi Sekolah Pastikan sekolah Anda memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti seleksi jalur SNBP. Berikut jumlah penerimaan siswa yang bisa ikut seleksi jalur SNBP berdasarkan akreditasi Sekolah.  Akreditasi A: 40% terbaik di sekolahnya Akreditasi B: 25% terbaik di sekolahnya Akreditasi ...